The Workforce Connection

Customer Was Promised a Laptop Reimburse

Unhappy Customer
Reimburse For Laptop Problem
Because "Ralph" knew of the past modus operandi of
The Workforce Connection Inc.,
he knew to not trust the Agents on the company payroll.
Customer "Ralph" was about to begin his On-line Training at the Rock Valley College
(North Central IL), and he had received a Grant that included some money for a replacement laptop computer ($800).
Career Planner Agent, Matt Baptist instructed Ralph to go ahead and buy a computer, and he said, "we will get you reimbursed."
Customer Ralph went ahead and on January 6, 2023, Ralph purchased a Dell Laptop 15.6" total price including Tax was $938 Dollars from the local Costco.
Ralph promptly sent the Costco Sales Receipt & Costco Member Pickup Receipt to Agent Matt Baptist at The Workforce Connection Inc.
But Ralph never did get reimbursed any money $$$ so Ralph took the Dell laptop back to Costco, and he got his money back, the box had never been opened.
Shortly after the online class started, his messed up regular laptop computer stopped working all together.
Ralph started using a small clown backup computer with a Linux OS, operating system and a 9-inch screen.
The online class had a most unfortunate 3-inch menu on the left of the screen, giving Ralph a 6-inch viewing area to learn his class.
Good Luck with that.
Ralph did not learn any class material for about 6 or 8 weeks, and he put onto his BI-WEEKLY School Reports that he could not see his computer screen at all.
Finally, after enough mentioning about this problem, a Payment Voucher for the promised laptop came in the mail, but Ralph had already lost about 2 months (33%) of his online class time training.
NOTE: A younger student taking the same class as Ralph got paid for his new laptop computer in 2 weeks' time, the computer voucher payment came to him before the online class even started on January 16, 2023.