IBEW 124 Kansas City MO
Partial Report of OLMS LM-2 Organization Annual Report June 30, 2019, Filing
3334 Members, monthly dues Tax $35 Dollars
Also pay a 6% Union Tax on wages earned
Partial Report of OLMS LM-2 Organization Annual Report:
As of the June 30, 2019, filing with OLMS IBEW Local 124 stated they had 3,334 members.
The Regular Monthly Union Taxes/Fees are $35 per month.
When asked by the government, Local 124 calls itself a Labor Union.
Schedule 11 Form LM-2 Year Ending 06/30/2019
Fennesy, John (H) Total $130,227
(Business Manager)
Parscale, Bryant (H) Total $88,561
(Financial Secretary)
Fuentes, Joseph (H) Total $2,195
(Financial Secretary)
Cianciolo, Gregory (H) Total $19,600
Journeymen Number (B) 2,162
Apprentices Number (B) 366
Retirees Number (B) 806
MEMBERS add above 3,334
Agency Fee Payers none entered
Political Activities and Lobbying $95,800
Contributions, Gifts & Grants $7,710
Kansas City Chiefs 02/27/2019 $10,558
Kansas City Royals 11/13/2018 $19,049
Kansas Speedway 05/22/2019 $28,615
($25,000 was Advertising)
END of OLMS Partial Report
(Where 2 Bro editor states, some not all data reported below)
Period Covered: From 07/01/2019 through 06/30/2020
Members At End of Reporting Period 3,519
Journeymen 2,215
Apprentices 447
Retirees 857
Regular Dues/Fees $40
Working Dues/Fees 6 %
The Below numbers are the "End of Reporting Period
Total Assets: $24,624,779
Total Liabilities: $212,247
DUES And AGENCY FEES: $8,341,418
Sch. 4 Purchase of Investments and Fixed Assets
International Per Capita $182,479
Sch. 11 All Officers and Disbursements to Officers:
Fennesy, John $132,767
Business Manager
Fuentes, Joseph $124,821
Financial Secretary
(Note: the above is only a partial list)
Sch. 12 Disbursements to Employees:
Beach, Roger $114,572
Business Agent
Chavez, Rudy $113,151
Business Agent
Collins, Andrew $114,906
Business Agent
Heegn, Christopher $116,577
Business Agent
Hulsey, Phillip $112,667
Referral Agent
Lake, Roger $118,124
Business Agent
Sustaita, Jose $115,613
Business Agent
Pagel, Larry $35,880
(Note: the above is only a partial list)
Schedule 15 - Representational Activities
Name and Address (address not entered here)
Ivan M Spudic
Kansas City, MO 66109
Type or Classification (B) Grievance Settlement
Amount (E) $5,966
Schedule 15 - Representational Activities
Name and Address (address not entered here)
John Marlow
Grain Valley, MO 64029
Type or Classification (B) Grievance Settlement
Amount (E) $6,386
Sch. 17 Contributions Gifts & Grants
Hats $26,229
Johnson County Key Service TOTAL $7,755
Rekey Building $5,766
Total Non-Itemized Transactions $1,989
Chiefs Tickets $9,720
KC Royals Tickets $20,109
Kansas Speedway, Advertising $25,000, Non-Itemized Transactions with this Payee/Payer $3,615
Total of All with This Payee/Payer $28,615
End of a Partial Reporting Of:
FILE NUMBER 037-202 IBEW Local # 124
Members and the public are encouraged to obtain and review LM-2 docs
Annual Report currently on file Expires: 09-30-2021
Follow that the money this bunch spends.
Union gets $ 40 Dollars Monthly Dues Tax, and they also get a 6 % Union Tax on Wages Earned.

The 1st US DOL
"Labor Organization Information Report"
submitted by
IBEW 124 in compliance with The Act of September 14 1959, Public Law 86-257
was RECEIVED Dec 14 1959
IBEW Local Union No. 124 , the Regular Dues were $2.20 per month, for the month ending June 30th 1959 ?
In addition in 1959, the C. Fees required for work permits was...….
3 % depending on classification per month plus 3% of earnings
signed: Joseph E. Morasch President December 11 1959
signed: R. E. Smiley, Financial Secretary December 11 1959
Where 2 Bro Editorial by Ralph
The IBEW 124 local union's primary function should be to provide for the
"Fair Representation Needs" of their members
Look for instance at the OLMS Gross Salary Disbursements (D) added to
(F) Disbursements for Official Business for the Business Manager of Local 124 for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2014, through and incl June 30, 2017
In a 4 years' time the former Business Manager (T Akins) was paid $ 489,819
Good for him ........ but this is the same CEO fella who led the IBEW Local 124 for years and years, at that time he even called himself the CEO of the local.
Where 2 Bro can't figure out why the Union's CEO person mentioned above will not allow some other members who have been paying their dues to the Local 124 longer than he has been paying his dues to the Local 124, were not allowed to have a chance at Kansas City jobs by signing the Local Book I out of work book?
The Period Covered from 07/01/2015 through 6/30/2016 it had been reported to the government:
IBEW 124 CEO T. Akins as the CEO, the Union reported LIABILITIES (of union)
Loans Payable of $748,627 and $13,417 Other Liabilities
The previous year the OLMS LIABILITIES amount was -0- what gives?
Why did the union Borrow so much Money?
Contributions, Gifts & Grants $52,120
Kansas City Royals $14,565
Visa-Kansas City Chiefs $7,760
Visa-Kansas City Royals $9,783
Worlds of Fun $6,260