Rock Valley College Gave a Cheap Plastic
Eagle Awards of Excellence
to The Workforce Connection (Rockford IL)

Jessica Story - Agent for The Workforce Connection at a planned Photo op Accepting a Cheap Plastic Award
April 29, 2022, the Rock Valley College handed out inaugural
Eagle Awards of Excellence.
The event honored students, faculty, staff, and community partners for their commitment and dedication to promoting a campus community that embodies trust, equity, and a sense of belonging.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, say what?
A former Rock Valley College student has come forward to report feeling a huge "Sense of Loss and Betrayal" after TWC was honored with the cheap plastic Eagles Award.
Why was The Workforce Connection (TWC) ever even considered for such an Award, that embodies trust, equity, and a sense of belonging?
The former RVC student whom we will call "Pete" (name is withheld by his request)
has filed an:
Illinois WIOA Age, Discrimination, Retaliation, Complaint against 2 Agents who work for The Workforce Connection
Here is the meat of Pete's WIOA Illinois Complaint.
Career Planner Agent Matt Baptist of TWC Discriminated against customer Pete due to his Age and his Disability.
Then Matt Baptist's Supervisor, Jessica Story - Associate Director of Workforce Development, Retaliated against Pete.
J. Story Retaliated (Retaliation) against the customer (Pete) because Pete had requested a much-needed Discrimination Complaint Form for a total of 5 Times.
This lawfully requested "Discrimination Complaint Form" was requested by email
3 times from Jessica Story & then 2 times from Agent Matt Baptist.
Agent-Jessica Story sent an email to "Pete" that said simply:
"I am requesting that you stop emailing Matt Baptist."
Pete says it is "so sad and so shameful that The Workforce Connection discriminates against individuals with disabilities."